Learning Activities
France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain
There are five learning activities during the project - one at each partner school. Two teachers and three students take part in it for nine days.
The students are the main researchers in this project focused on learning through European experience. While at the partner school, where the learning activity takes place, the students are shadowing everyday school life to get inside look into each school's everyday life which allows them to be a part of it for a while. They interact with other students, learn what they like or don't like about their school system.
Good practices (innovations) observed during the learning activity, approved by the director first, will then be integrated into school systems of other schools to be tried out and monitored. If they work well, they will be integrated into school documents and school life afterwards. The students are thus taking an active part in improving the quality of their school system. We believe that innovations can be integrated successfully and more easily when observed before in practice at another school.
Through the learning activities the students do not only experience different systems, but at the same time, they are achieving the project objective of designing an "ideal" European school that brings together the pros of all the school systems in the participating countries. The students work together in teams during each exchange to select the most important aspects for "A concept of an ideal school". Students also develop their critical thinking through innovative methods as cooperative learning, problem solving, brainwriting, brainstorming, etc. We also integrate an innovative way of learning - organizing field trips (guided by the host students) during the learning activity.
The students also benefit from intercultural cooperation while spending their free time with the host students and staying in host families.