Transnational Meetings
France, Poland, Slovakia
Košice, Slovakia, 7 - 11 November, 2016
Two representatives from each school took part in the first transnational meeting at Základná škola, Staničná 13, Košice, Slovakia (project coordinator).
The strategies and procedures to be followed throughout the project duration were adopted. The plan and the methodology of the activities and tasks being performed during the exchange of students at each school were adjusted. The dissemination plan and the timetable were validated and responsible people for each task approved. Financial issues related to project implementation, local coordination of the project and its dissemination were discussed.
The programme also included an official reception by the vice mayor at Košice town hall, a guided tour in the centre of Košice, a visit of one-class village school and the vineyards of Tokay region.
Gdańsk, Poland, 25 - 29 September, 2017
The school coordinators took part in the second transnational meeting at Szkoła Podstawowa nr 77, Gdańsk, Poland.
The overview of the first project year was provided with individual feedback from the representatives of each school. The activities performed during the first project year were evaluated and analyzed. The outlook for the following year was discussed with the focus on dissemination activities, expected results and the impact of the project. Preparations for the learning activities in 2017 - 2018 and the final conference were done.
The programme also included an official reception by thedeputy mayor for social policy at
town hall, a guided tour of Gdańsk historical centre, a visit of
Marlbork Castle and Sopot.
Ribeauvillé, France, 14 - 18 May, 2018
The final meeting took place in Ribeauvillé, France where the representatives of the teachers and the students evaluated the project and presented the outcomes at the final conference that took place at Conseil Général Haut-Rhin in Colmar on 17 May, 2018.